Terms & Conditions – AIF Rental Care

Terms and Conditions for AIF Care Plans  

1. These Terms and Conditions apply to Agreements for AIF Care Plans. 

2. Throughout these Terms and Conditions, there are words in bold. These words have a specific meaning and are explained in the ‘Definitions’ section at the end of this document. In addition to this, the words ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ mean AIF Electrical Pty Ltd (ACN 622 855 270)(AIF Electrical). The words ‘you’ or ‘your’ mean the subscriber and/ or customer.

3. We encourage you to review these terms and conditions on a regular basis, as they may be updated from time to time. View AIF Electrical Pty Ltd Privacy Policy here.

4. AIF Care Plan Subscription

AIF Electrical offers three different AIF Care Plan subscriptions. Each Care Plan subscription is for a 12 month term. The different Care Plan levels are: 

    • AIF Care Golden Guardian 
    • AIF Care Premier Package 
    • AIF Care Platinum Elite  

Collectively, we refer to these subscription plans as
AIF Care Plans. The services and benefits of each of the AIF Care Plans are stated in the Definition section of these Terms and Conditions. You may sign up and subscribe to an AIF Care Plan Subscription by clicking the “Subscribe” button on the AIF Care page on our website and completing a subscription form. You will need to comply with these Terms and Conditions, which form part of the Agreement with you about the AIF Care Plan.  

The fees associated with each AIF Care Plan subscription are published on our website and will be specified on the tax invoice we provide to you. 

We will charge the fee applicable on our website at the time of your purchase of the AIF Care Plan subscription and this will be applicable for the subscription period from the date you made the purchase or upgrade. All tax invoices will be issued in Australian Dollars and must be paid in accordance with our terms. 

If you hold an AIF CarePlan subscription, you have access to the inclusions and benefits stated in respect of the relevant Care Plan level. 

Your right to obtain service is valid for the term of your subscription period, or on a one-off basis, if you have selected that option.  

The only products and services included in your AIF Care Plan subscription are as specified on our website and in these terms and conditions. No other services are included. 

When your subscription is due to renew, we will send you a notice informing you of this.  

5. The nominated property 

You may nominate one (1) property per subscription. The nominated property must be the residential building, including residential flat or tenanted property, which is owned by you, used for residential purposes and located within the residential boundaries at the covered address. It must be located within the service area, reasonably accessible by a formed public road and may be readily accessed by an AIF Electrical vehicle.  

The nominated property must be at a residential address which is not used for: 

  • commercial, retail, office, industrial or professional purposes, or 
  • commercial farming or agricultural purposes.

nominated property must not be a portable, temporary or non-fixed dwelling, building, or structure such as a caravan, trailer, campervan, recreational vehicle or otherwise. 

6. Authorisation 

By subscribing to an AIF Care Plan, you: 

  • authorise AIF Electrical to accept callout and service requests with respect to the nominated property from any persons at the nominated property at the time when service is required; 
  • accept, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any risk associated with this authorisation; and 
  • agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. 


7. Availability 

We will  endeavour to attend the nominated property within a reasonable time, having regard to the reason for the service request. The timeframe for our attendance may vary dependant on the location of the 
nominated property and current demand for service. We will discuss this with you at the time of your callout. 

8. Product changes 

From time to time, AIF Electrical may be required to make changes to the Terms and Conditions of AIF Care due to changes in legislation, or other environmental or commercial reasons. Should a change in the terms of your subscription be required, you will be notified of this 10 days prior to the change occurring. 

 If you consider that any change in your subscription will have a material and detrimental effect on the services supplied, you may request that your subscription be cancelled. If agreed, the unused portion of your subscription will be refunded.  The maximum liability of AIF Electrical to you in respect to any product changes will be the refund of the unused portion of the subscription fee. 

9. Fees and payment  

For AIF Care subscribers, the subscription fee is payable at the time of subscription, and every time you renew your subscription thereafter. Different fees apply for one-time subscriptions and for renewal subscriptions, or if a one-off subscription is selected. Pricing of subscription fees, may be adjusted from time to time on notice to you. View current pricing here. 

In the event of an outstanding
fee on your AIF Electrical account, a service provider will not be dispatched to the nominated property until full payment of the outstanding fee, including any applicable surcharges, is received.  

10. Upgrade, transfer, cancellation and refunds 

You may upgrade your AIF Care subscription package level at any time. The remaining subscription fee will be calculated using the remaining months of your current subscription. This will be applied as credit to your higher level subscription. You must pay any difference in subscription fees at the time of subscription to a higher level subscription. 

subscription cannot be transferred or assigned to any other person. 

We are permitted to assign, transfer, novate, subcontract or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification or consent required.  

You may cancel your 
subscription at any time by notifying AIF Electrical by phone or email but we do not offer any change-of-mind refunds. 

AIF Electrical will offer refunds in accordance with Australian Consumer Law. Other than as required by law and by these Terms and Conditions, subscription fees will not be refunded in any other circumstances, except at AIF Electrical’s sole discretion. 

In the event you request cancellation of a callout, no credit will be given for the
callout fee or the free callout as part of the AIF Care Plan. 

AIF Electrical may cancel your 
subscription immediately and without penalty if in our reasonable opinion you have:

  • materially breached these Terms and Conditions and the breach has not been or cannot be remedied; or 
  • acted in a manner that is inappropriate, improper, hostile, threatening, abusive or dangerous. 


11. Environmental and occupational health and safety 

will not be provided or may be limited where, in the opinion of the AIF Electrical attending, there is a risk to the life, health, safety or property of any person, or where there is a risk of causing significant damage to the environment. Such risks may include, but are not limited to, the requirement for scaffolding due to the height of a building or issues caused by weather.

12. Your responsibilities 

It is your responsibility to maintain your home in good order; otherwise AIF Electrical may be unable to assist. AIF Electrical reserves the right to limit or refuse to provide service where, in the opinion of AIF Electrical, any of the following responsibilities are not adhered to: 

  • Upon request for service, you must advise of the presence of dogs or any other known hazards 
  • You must act in a reasonable manner towards AIF Electrical, its staff and or contractors. You or any other person at the nominated property must not act or behave in a manner that is inappropriate, improper, hostile, threatening, abusive or dangerous

13. Fair use policy  

We reserve the right to limit or refuse to provide telephone consultations or troubleshooting where, in our reasonable opinion, your use of that part of the services is excessive, unreasonable or not reasonably required by you in the circumstances.

Circumstances that may constitute a breach include multiple calls for the same reason. Without limiting the circumstances in which we may apply this fair use policy, we may apply this policy if:

  • There are multiple phone consultations or troubleshooting calls within a given month for the same issue due to permanent repairs not being attended to; or 
  • any use of the services or benefits by you is considered to adversely affect the provision of the services to other AIF Care users. 


14. Liability 

We will provide the services with the reasonable skill and care as may be expected of an ordinary skilled tradesperson, as applicable to the services. 

Any advice provided as part of the services is provided in good faith and with all reasonable care, based on assumptions and information provided by you. To the extent permitted under Australian Consumer Law, AIF Electrical is under no obligation to update the information provided and is not responsible for and disclaims all liability relating to use of this information. 

If, notwithstanding the above, AIF Electrical is found to be liable to you and/or any other person in connection with any advice given to you in the course of or in connection with the services,  our liability is limited to a sum not exceeding to the amount that party has paid to us for the service that gave rise to the claim during the 12 months preceding the claim (which shall include legal costs) in respect of the aggregate of all claims during any consecutive period of 12 months. 

To the extent permitted by law, AIF Electrical will not be liable to any person for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage in connection with the services, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise (except to the extent caused or contributed to by us, or a person for whom we are responsible). 

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes any liability implied or imposed by any laws (including the Australian Consumer Law) that cannot be lawfully excluded or limited. Where AIF Electrical can limit our liability under the Australian Consumer Law, AIF Electrical limits such liability to the following (at AIF Electrical’s option): in the case of goods, the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods, the repair of goods, the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or in the case of services, the supplying of the services again, or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 

AIF Electrical accepts no liability for providing service which would void a warranty, cause you to breach a contractual obligation, or prejudice or adversely affect an existing or subsequent insurance claim or legal action. 

To the maximum extent permitted by law, AIF Electrical will not be liable or in default for any failure or delay in providing service, either in whole or in part, where failure or delay arises directly or indirectly out of causes beyond the reasonable control of AIF Electrical. This includes, but is not limited to, a major disaster; adverse weather conditions; unavailability of materials, parts, qualified personnel, equipment, fuel or the like; failures in telecommunications, satellite and global positioning systems; and otherwise where service is not reasonably available. 

Despite anything to the contrary contained or implied in these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions do not exclude, restrict or modify the application of any statutory provision where to do so would contravene any applicable law or cause any part of these terms and conditions to be void. 

15. Privacy  

In order for AIF Electrical to provide you with services under this Agreement you agree to provide Personal Information about yourself and information about your home may: 

  • collect, monitor and store information to provide the services in connection to you; 
  • disclose information (including Personal Information) to you and to third parties through whom AIF Electrical provides services in connection with your use of the services for the purpose of providing you with the services; 
  • disclose Personal Information to suppliers who need access to the Personal Information to provide AIF Electrical with services, to allow supply of Equipment and services to you; 
  • use Personal Information collected through the services to promote products and services to you. 
  • retain and use information as described in this Agreement or as otherwise permitted by law. 

AIF Electrical may also use and collect non-personal aggregate, statistical, and other anonymous information (including location information) to provide services to multiple third-party providers, for research purposes and to help AIF Electrical enhance and improve its services and to develop current and future services and functionality, and for other purposes of AIF Electrical’s business. AIF Electrical may share non- personal aggregate, or summary, information with partners or other third parties (this is a customary online practice). For example, we might provide a count of users from a particular area or utilise data in an anonymous manner to develop and improve other products. AIF Electrical will always ensure that any Personal Information has been removed before aggregate information is provided to third parties or partners.

The AIF Electrical Pty Ltd Privacy Policy is available here We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis, as it may be updated from time to time. 

16. General

Governing law 

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the State of Victoria and each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State. 

Entire Agreement  

These Terms (together with our Privacy Policy and disclaimers) contained on our Website, constitute the entire agreement between us and you, and supersede all previous communications, representations, inducements, undertakings, agreements or arrangements between the parties. 


This agreement will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. If anything in this agreement is unenforceable, illegal or void then it is severed and the rest of the agreement remains in force. 

17. Definitions 

In these Terms and Conditions, unless context indicates a contrary intention, the following meanings shall apply: 

Agreement means the agreement formed when you subscribe for one of the AIF Care Plans on our website, on these Terms and Conditions. 

AIF Care Plans mean the following plan levels and corresponding inclusions:  

AIF Rental Care 

This includes: 

  • Electrical Safety Inspection (Compliant with AS/NZS 3000) 
  • Surge Protection Evaluation (AS/NZS 1768) 
  • Electrical Appliance Inspection (AS/NZS 3760) 
  • Gas Appliance Safety Check (Gas Standards Act 2000) 
  • Compliance Documentation (Residential Tenancies Act) 

AIF Care service area 

The areas available for AIF Care service area includes Metropolitan Melbourne means such areas or postcodes as determined by AIF Electrical from time to time having regard to the Metropolitan & Outer Suburban Taxi Zones contained in the Melway Greater Melbourne Street Directory. Regional areas may be accepted by agreement. 

AIF Care giveaways and promotions means cash giveaways, vacations and tools awarded as prizes, gifts and loyalty awards from time to time. 

Advance Air-conditioning service means all of the items in a Basic Air-condition service plus deep clean of coil with coil clean foam and brush out of condenser coils  

Basic Air-conditioning service means: 

  • Check all operations 
  • Check operations of indoor and outdoor units 
  • Check and tighten all electricals 
  • Check for signs of wear and tear 
  • Check, remove and clean all return air filters    
  • Check all drain lines for blockages and water build up 
  • Check all remote controls and control operations 
  • Check all air flows and vents 
  • Check and clean externals of indoor and outdoor unit 
  • Check refrigerant gas